We’re super pleased to welcome the amazing K. Adam White to Human Made as a Senior JavaScript Engineer. K. Adam has broad experience in open source and WordPress and has extensively used technologies such as JavaScript, React and Node to push the software to exciting places. His work is really impressive and since speaking at A Day of REST London, we’ve admired K. Adam for his passion and dedication across a range of projects. We’re excited to see what he’ll get up to while he’s here!
See K. Adam's full profile here
Thanks so much, Tom. I’m so happy to be here!
Like so many of us here, I started my programming career as a freelancer. I came to Boston to pursue 3D animation, but became involved in the local WordPress community and taught myself JavaScript & PHP through freelance work building sites for local indie game studios. Those skills got me a job on a travel agency’s content team, which developed into a lead web UI engineering role over the next four years.
The WordPress community gave me my first opportunities to organize and speak at meetups and WordCamps, and I began contributing back to WordPress core itself after joining Bocoup in 2013. I met Ryan, Joe and the REST API team while integrating WordPress into our Node applications and data visualization projects, and met more of the Human Made crew when I was invited to speak at A Day of REST London in 2016.
A decade into my WordPress journey I’m delighted to find myself here at Human Made. It’s been an honor and a privilege collaborating with this team on open source, and I’m really excited about the scope of the projects we tackle here. It feels like a perfect fit.