On this day in 2003, the first WordPress release was launched. And little did we know at the time that 15 years on, almost 30% of the internet would have cause to celebrate this huge milestone.
Since 2003, we’ve witnessed WordPress grow and evolve in exciting ways. From being open sourced under the GNU Public Licence, opening up the software to millions of people; to the REST API merge with core, enabling an explosion in the number and complexity of integrations possible with WordPress.
We’ve been privileged to have been able to closely follow, or directly participate in, WordPress’ developments for eight years as a company, and we look positively into a long future where we can continue to do the same.

In light of the celebration, we asked everyone on our team to tell us how long they’d been working with WordPress. And the numbers are in!
We have a combined total of (approximately) 473 years experience working with WordPress.
That is with 61 people across five continents, and each of us with our own WordPress story. Approximately 30 of us are active contributors to WordPress.org on one or more teams, and around 12 of us have been working with WordPress and/or contributing to WordPress.org for 10+ years or more.
Congratulations to the whole community today; here’s to another 473 years!